The mousetrap of corruption: a criminal cooperation imperative in the EU

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The complexity of corruption requires international cooperation between States that need to develop efforts to prevent criminal offenses and their impunity. This is a matter of great importance within the EU. Under absolute ineffectiveness in combating crime security of States themselves are in jeopardy. An effort must be done to find a common identity in the criminal law and harmonize domestic laws. In the regulation, this should be highlighted: double-hatting; respect for the criterion of necessity and processing of personal data. The procedural instrument gives European criminal investigations greater applicability of the according State Members. The European instruments are also created to harmonize and standardize domestic legislation, and this is a key strategy in the fight against corruption. It follows from the foregoing that the unity between the State Members is the best way to combat this type of crime, especially in the context of its prevention, since the very nature of such conduct, as already stated, allows a proliferation of its various countries and various actors, and it is only through the combination of the forces of States that they can effectively prevent crime and ensure security. We devote greater attention to the European Public, because of their practical applicability and because of the umbilical relationship to combat corruption.

Keywords: Criminal Cooperation; European Union; EUROJUST; OLAF; EWA; European Public Prosecutor.

Ana Raquel Conceição | Lusíada University, Portugal

Ana Raquel Conceição  holds a PhD in Juridical-Criminal Sciences from Universidade Lusíada Norte (Porto), a Master Degree in Juridical-Criminal Sciences from the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, and a Degree in Law from Universidade Lusíada do Porto.

The author is a Lawyer since 2003, member of the Bar Association in the Porto district council, and a Law Professor since 2002. Currently, she is a researcher at CEJEA – Centro de Estudos Jurídicos e Ambientais, accredited by FCT.  She has been invited as a lecturer, trainer and a consultant.